2009/08/10 | [转] iSmell
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2008/12/06 | [收藏]China's virtual vigilantes: Civic action or cyber mobs?
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China's virtual vigilantes: Civic action or cyber mobs?
By Peter Ford | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
from the November 28, 2008 edition

Beijing - Some call it a weapon in the hands of a righteous army, forged so that wrongdoers might be smitten. Others say it simply allows a mob of vigilantes to publicly vilify and humiliate anyone they choose to pick on through grotesque invasions of privacy.
Either way, the peculiarly Chinese Internet phenomenon known as the "human flesh search engine," a citizen-driven, blog-based hunt for alleged undesirables, claimed a fresh victim this month when a mid-ranking government official lost his job.
Accused of accosting a young girl, Lin Jiaxiang found his name, address, phone number, and workplace pl

2008/11/28 | [收藏] Tweeting the terror: How social media reacted to Mumbai
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By Stephanie Busari

(CNN) -- It was the day social media appeared to come of age and signaled itself as a news-gathering force to be reckoned with.

2008/11/25 | [收藏]Jurors set to deliberate in Internet suicide trial
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Megan Meier, 13, hanged herself in her bedroom after being targeted in a MySpace hoax.

Megan Meier, 13, hanged

2008/11/14 | [收藏]free online courses from top universities
类别(学习笔记) | 评论(0) | 阅读(21) | 发表于 15:27
2008/10/24 | [收藏] Woman arrested for killing virtual reality husband
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TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- A 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden divorce in a virtual game world made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona has been arrested on suspicion of hacking, police said Thursday.

2008/03/08 | 关于APA style
类别(学习笔记) | 评论(1) | 阅读(56) | 发表于 03:21
2008/01/22 | 一个关于游戏设计的网站
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2008/01/20 | Visual Language
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Visual Language

Students should explore various forms of verbal and visual communication and analyse the interaction between words and images, thinking critically about the meanings and effects produced.

English in the New Zealand Curriculum, page 39

In the past, education concentrated on reading and writing: until quite recently, even book illustrations were often seen only as embellishments or helpful accompaniments. In English in the New Zealand Curriculum, the study of visual language is included as an integral part of the study of the English language.

2008/01/20 | Rhythm
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摘自: http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/resources/exp_lang/putting_words.html


English is a very rhythmical language. Rhythm is not only found in poetry.

Thee rhythm can be heard when we count aloud:
     five / ten / fifteen / twenty.

The stressed syllables are lengthened in five and ten, and shortened in fifteen and twenty, so that the words with two syllables are about the same length as those with only one.

The rhythm of English speech is produced through the combination of the stressed and unstressed syllables. This is like a beat and is especially easy to distinguish in rap.

Nursery rhymes sound especially rhythmical.

2007/12/28 | [Forward]Alphaville
类别(学习笔记) | 评论(2) | 阅读(27) | 发表于 06:22

Forwarded from http://thiscruellestmonth.blogspot.com/2007/07/alphaville.html

The best scene from Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville: Une etrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (1965).


Your voice, your eyes, your hands, your lips... Our silences, our words... Light that goes, light that returns. A single smile between us. In quest of knowledge, I watched night create day while we seemed unchanged. O beloved all, beloved of one alone, your mouth silently promised to be happy. Away, away says hate; Closer, closer says love. A caress leads us from our infancy. Increasingly I see the human form as a lovers' dialogue. The heart has but one m
2007/12/28 | 网站的首页设计(顺带给5D的建议)
类别(学习笔记) | 评论(14) | 阅读(197) | 发表于 02:14



国内的首页设计似乎一直有个套路,这个套路从何而来? 我认为sina,163,sohu这些门户网站的设计套路一直在影响其他小型垂直性的网站。而这些门户网站的设计套路似乎是来源于报纸杂志这些平面媒体的设计,也许是因为中国的网页设计师大多从平面设计转行而来。





2007/11/13 | Living Doll and Sylvia Plath
类别(学习笔记) | 评论(2) | 阅读(292) | 发表于 05:02

Sylvia Plath's The Applicant referred to a pop song in 1959 by Cliff Richard.  In the 7th stanza, the lines "A living doll, everywhere you look. /It can sew, it can cook, /It can talk, talk, talk." expressed Sylvia's anger at the oppressed femal role in the society.  I guess to most people, that pop song was cheerful, delightful...whatever... just a normal thing like that.  However, to the sensitive feminist Sylvia, it probably sounded harsh.

Here is MV link of the song  Living Doll on Youtube:



Got myself a cr

2007/11/11 | [转载]一些文学名词
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出处: http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/lit_term.html

Aesthetic distance: degree of emotional involvement in a work of art. The most obvious example of aesthetic distance (also referred to simply as distance) occurs with paintings. Some paintings require us to stand back to see the design of the whole painting; standing close, we see the technique of the painting, say the brush strokes, but not the whole. Other paintings require us to stand close to see the whole; their design and any figures become less clear as we move back from the painting.
        Similarly, fiction, drama, and poetry involve the reader emotionally to different degrees. Emotional distance, or t
